So, You Lost An Hour This Week 🔄

Here's How to Get it Back

Who (Or What) Would You Sacrifice For? 🍃

I find a lot of value in giving something up.

Sharing. Sacrificing.

If you allow yourself to see the big picture, you’ll realize that losses are only losses if you perceive them as negative.

Who could forget this sacrifice?

You may start to notice that giving things up can be really nice, especially if it benefits someone or something.

That can even include yourself – in fact it usually does.

Anything can be a sacrifice.

Sharing a piece of chocolate with a friend, sparing a dollar for a coffee, or letting go of a grudge.

Then, there’s personal sacrifice.

Going to sleep earlier, pushing for one more mile, or knowing when to put the phone down. 

The Tibetan “Key to living longer” is a disciplined lifestyle of sacrifice.

Moderation is sacrifice. So is discipline.

What are you sacrificing when it comes to discipline, you ask? Distractions. 

When you forego meager distractions and petty amusements for discipline and focus, you are sacrificing something easy for something difficult.

That takes guts, and it pays off big time.

Sharing and providing for people at your own expense can feel like loss, but that’s only a matter of how you choose to see things.

Consider a reframed approach: If it’s for the benefit of loved ones, and serves the greater mission of good, is it really a loss?

Check out our sacrificial discussion on the Down to Earth Podcast.

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How To Get Your Hour Back ⏳

We can play with “time,” but we can’t play with the sun.

The past week was so wild that time fell back an hour.

Well, sort of.

You may have noticed how it gets dark at around 5pm now. That’s because it’s the end of Daylight Savings Time.

So, did you lose an hour of time?

No. You actually gained one during sleep last Sunday night.

Instead, a crucial hour of sunlight in the evenings has been lost, and you must get it back. Let me show you how.

The importance of sunlight for mood, health, and total body function is serious.

The keyword of this section is earlier.

Whatever you do during your day, start at least an hour earlier and you’ll feel really good.

Trust me.

Save your vices for after 2 or 3pm.

Smoking, drinking, gambling, television, scrolling, binging, loafing. Keep those away from your valuable daylight.
The less vices the better. Just like we discussed in the first section, discipline is key for time recovery.

Try to limit eating and drinking within 2 hours of sleep.
Digestion can disrupt sleep.

Get outside as early as possible. Let your brain and body learn the correct “time” by plugging in to the solar clock.

Even if it’s just a leisurely stroll, being outside in the morning tells your brain and body that it should be awake and alert.

Use caffeine.

I wasn’t on the caffeine wave until recently. It made me feel jittery and uncomfortable, and I didn’t feel the purported benefits.

I realized that upping the dose worked better for me, so now I drink a strong cup of cold brew as soon as I wake up. It helps me execute my tasks with efficiency and gets me on the right track early in the day. When the caffeine wears off and the “crash” hits, it’s already bedtime. Best of both worlds.

I highly recommend this cold brew. It’s tasty, strong, and contains no sugar or weird additives.

Go to bed early, even if it feels agonizing. Notice I said go to bed, not necessarily go to sleep. No screens. 

Ever notice you get sleepy at 8pm, but brush it off cause it’s “too early” to sleep? Pay closer attention to that signal. When that first wave of sleepiness hits, It’s your best chance to knock out quickly.

Not being able to fall asleep sucks. But the earlier in the night you push to sleep, the more likely you are to sleep early the following night.

Cherish every moment of sunlight.

As the part of the Earth we’re on tilts away from the sun, days become shorter and colder. It’s a wild phenomenon called winter.

Winter can be challenging. Less sunlight is one of the hurdles that can set you back, so make sure to nourish your body with sunlight when it’s available.

Of course, it’s a great way to relax and reflect.

Are you prepared?

Do these things, and you’ll be back in the game in no time.

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