- Down to Earth
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- Down to Earth
Down to Earth
Keys to happiness, community and self.
Getting back to what matters.
Do you miss the warmth and connection of community?
The feeling of shared laughter echoing through a room. The thrill of connecting with new friends.
A syrupy slow Sunday morning 🛀🏾
In today's fast-paced world, these simple joys often feel like distant dreams.
This newsletter is your invitation to rediscover them.
To help you live better, all around.
Valuable insights 💬 to making the best of what you have, and mastering the art of making more.
Quality original content 📲 will be your toolkit for a more robust, fulfilling life experience.
From science-backed protocols to immersive short stories, your spirit will be invigorated with a strong sense of purpose.
Together, we will strive closer to what you love most.
What you will get
Simple tools for getting more from what you love to do.
Fitness, wellness, and nutrition solutions that work.
Personalized content for better living.
Bite-sized, compelling pieces to share.
Advice on personal and professional development.
A blueprint for happiness and individualism.
Priceless, uplifting content to your inbox
Come as you are, leave with a sense of community and purpose.
A hidden gem from the ‘70s to soundtrack your day, a breathing exercise for a cool head, or a five-minute meal prep for a happier gut.
It’s all about getting back to the basics. Back Down to Earth.
These emails will serve as your guidebook to getting more out of life.
Let’s jump in.
What I’m eating this week
Green Bananas/Plantains
Caribbeans, this is your moment!
Green Bananas/Plantains are my new superfood secret.
Green bananas are rich in resistant starch, which acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. They are loaded with essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C.
I boil several at a time and meal prep with what’s left.
Why I love these: I’m a big texture guy. When it comes to food, I need something with integrity to feel like I’m eating something. Green bananas are dense and firm, adding a new dimension to my plate.
The resistant starch also acts like a natural draino 😬
What I’m Listening to
Powerful vocals, triumphant lyricism and immersive production — the essence of this song has been driving me through the week. I’m learning that human beings, en route to success and happiness, must face transformative experiences in order to change and grow. Confonting the unkown, especially when compelled to do otherwise, emboldens our spirit and develops our character.
Those who embrace the conditions of change benefit most from the rewards.
As the soothing tones of Apple’s default alarm clock jolt me from sleep, I often wake up frenzied.
If the sleep was really good, I might as well be disillusioned.
Though chaotic, that feeling is exciting. It means my energy, my chi, my focus — whatever you want to call it — is overflowing. It means I’m loaded with potential.
Ready for battle.
But since I’m a human and not an anime character, I can’t just fly out of bed in my super suit and move mountains.
The boring stuff comes first.
Wondering about lunch, lamenting the weather, halfway dressing (where’s that other sock?) and, often, sitting down to recover from all the monotony. These meaningless tasks feel like they take precedence over my big moves for the day. But why is that?
That’s because those big, important moves are fueled by the little ones.
Our brains are so powerful, and so fast, that we wake up loaded with stimulating ideas. Actually doing them is another story ...
That’s why I sometimes go through mornings without a routine. No direction. True meandering – doing whatever comes to mind. I also skip what I don’t want to do. Daily meditation? Not today. Too boring. I want to listen to music. Making my bed? Meh.
And I’m definitely not checking any emails.
Now, since I’ve done what I want to do, instead of angling for what I should do, I’m enjoying the mundane.
The music’s got me dancing. I’m warming up.
Switch on a couple of extra lights. Gulp a tall glass of water.
It’s starting.
Gotta get dressed.
Really don’t feel like getting all suited up today.
The go-to pants and hoodie will do.
Time reclaimed: 10 minutes.
Just enough time to enjoy a stretch, warm up some tea, and wash lingering dishes.
You get the message. It’s just about being easy.
Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when published"I wake up in the morning, and I putter"
Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWith Bezos' public rep, we can take his word for that.Consider now though that this is one of the most successful individuals of our time, and not some schlub. Something's gotta be up.There’s scientific evidence to support this approach. Little tasks at a comfortable pace, evidently, can prepare you for the bigger ones. For someone like Jeff Bezos, there are numerous amounts of daily challenges to confront. Even if intimidating, he just takes it one step at a time. The same can be done for you. Simply do your best, and own the results. Be easy on yourself, and take a breath.
Low Back and Hip Pain Be Gone
The Goblet Squat
I’m finding myself dropping into this pose throughout the day. My hips, feet and knees are reaping the benefits.
This move can be turned into a stretch or worked into an intense leg workout depending on the load. I like to hold a 45-pound plate and move around in the squatted position for about a minute on leg days.
While at home, (or on the subway) I do the movement with good form and fluidity in mind.
Just do what feels good, breathe, and congratulate your efforts.
Weekend Challenge
I'll end this first issue with a task for you all.
The next time you wake from a night of sleep or a food-induced nap, take a pause and be completely still. That’s it.
Before you reach for your phone or get up to pee, lie in total stillness for just a few moments.
You might be surprised at what comes to mind, or what doesn’t.